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The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion
Meghan Daum
Beauty Queens
Libba Bray
Over My Dead Body
Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise
February 2015
BookLikes Reading Challenge: MelissaJJ wants to read 150 books in 2015.
MelissaJJ has read 56 book(s) out of 150 books in
2015 Reading Challenge
reviewed: Dying to Meet You
This was cute. I don't know that I loved it, but I will read the next in the series, even though it's NOT AVAILABLE AS A KIN...
Dying to Meet You - Kate Klise, M. Sarah Klise
reviewed: The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues
I loved The Westing Game - this one, I just didn't.
The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues - Ellen Raskin
reviewed: First Light
First Light was fine - it was good - but sadly, I didn't love it nearly as much as Liar & Spy or When You Reach Me. On the b...
First Light - Rebecca Stead
reviewed: Timmy Failure: We Meet Again
I do just love Timmy Failure. Though for a while in this book #3 in the series, I was starting to become impatient with his ...
Timmy Failure: We Meet Again - Stephan Pastis
reviewed: Speaking From Among the Bones: A Flavia de Luce Novel
The Flavia De Luce books just get better and better, or maybe it just seems that way because I love the characters more with ...
Speaking From Among the Bones: A Flavia de Luce Novel - Alan Bradley
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February 2015
reviewed: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
THIS BOOK WAS SO FUNNY. I mean, except for the parts that weren't funny, but the parts that were, were exceptionally funny. ...
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - Jesse Andrews
January 2015
reviewed: As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust: A Flavia de Luce Novel
Loved it - Flavia away from home, with none of her usual co-stars (not even her beloved laboratory), is Flavia nonetheless.
As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust: A Flavia de Luce Novel - Alan Bradley
January 2015
reviewed: Liar & Spy
I loved this book.
Liar & Spy - Rebecca Stead
January 2015
reviewed: The Given Day
The Given Day...it was good enough, I enjoyed reading it, but at times I thought - what I've read in the last 400 pages could...
The Given Day - Dennis Lehane
reviewed: Greenglass House
Oh, I don't know. This book was fine. Based on all of the 4- and 5-star reviews, I guess I had higher hopes. And the begin...
Greenglass House - Kate Milford
December 2014
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December 2014
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December 2014
reviewed: Who Could That Be At This Hour?
Cleverly written and amusing, and as always in Lemony Snicket stories, more questions than answers. Based on what I've read ...
Who Could That Be At This Hour? - Lemony Snicket, Seth
reviewed: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
I have to say that I didn't particular love this book, wasn't particularly caught up in the premise of the mystery, and yet, ...
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - Alan Bradley
November 2014
reviewed: The End
I totally enjoyed this series. But the end made me mad because it was JUST STUPID.
The End - Michael Kupperman, Lemony Snicket, Brett Helquist
November 2014
reviewed: The One I Left Behind
I am not finished with this book yet, but I am giving it two stars anyway, because it wasn't horrible. But.Here is the plot:...
The One I Left Behind - Jennifer McMahon